Well, I say broken, as in just the manual focus works now. I busted my ass one winter day and the Nikon 105mm f/2.8 micro went down with me. It hit the frozen wooden bridge and took a few bounces. I just watched in slow motion and felt the pain on my right side as I kissed the bridge in unison. Shook it off and inspected the gear. Few dents here and there. Still worked. Then slowly the autofocus went out a couple of months later. But they say real macro is done with manual focus! So I guess I’m still in business?

The lens was well-used when I bought it, but it took great pictures. Heavy. But sharp as a tack!

The only hope of getting good macro photos with the lens is using a tripod. Since I’ve got bad shakes from coffee abuse and other substances. I took some shots of a cherry tree that had finally bloomed after years of being dormant for some reason. It’s currently attached to the Nikon D700.

Now my main focus was on ladybugs. I’ve since discovered ladybugs are not easy to focus on when they are hungry for pollen. The little critters ignore my commands to hold still for the money shot. But they sure are fun to watch!

I’m starting to collect B+W Filters! Top quality!!!

The Nikon 105mm f/2.8 micro still looks pretty good.